Thursday, January 3, 2013

Test Post With Anchors

Presidential Directors
Global Directors
National Directors
Regional Directors
Executive Directors


Stephanie & Joshua Golka, CA                

Working full time with four young children, Stephanie Golka built a Global business before leaving her job with the State of California.  Working part-time hours and being a full-time mom, she steadily built a national Presidential business.  While the most challenging aspect her journey has been the personal growth, success in all aspects of the trilogy started with a decision. Who knew that her hitting rock bottom with her weight would put Stephanie on  the path to becoming the person she was always meant to be?  She started as a Medifast dieter but is now a fully integrated business leader with a passion to fight for the dreams of others until they, too, are empowered to create the life they’ve always wanted.
     Her journey with Take Shape For Life has been blessed with incredible friendships and mentoring. Stephanie lost 65 pounds in 15 weeks, kept that weight off for five years, then lost even more weight through sharing and living the Habits of Health.  That experience was the catalyst for her becoming an entrepreneur and business professional.
     It all began with a decision to no longer settle.  Instead of accepting good enough, she decided to strive for great.  And that journey has just begun.

            The TSFL program and business steps are simple.   And she learned that altering the basics of either alters the results. Stephanie’s husband, Josh, has made the decision to join her full time as a Take Shape for Life Health Coach.  Between them, their business has been represented at every event they have been qualified to attend over the last five years.  In fact, Josh found that attending TSFL events such as National Convention, Go Global, and (particularly) Sundance had a remarkable impact on his view of what was possible. So after his quiet beginning as the supportive spouse, the attorney, lobbyist, and law professor is setting aside his collection of degrees (B.S., J.D., M.B.A, M.G.M.) to help those who are ready to choose Optimal Health.

            Their biggest gratitude goes to the incredible people who have joined them on their journey—their Clients and Coaches.   They appreciate the amazing mentorship team of Dr. A and Lori, Dan and Mary Bell, Bryan and Jodi Drollinger, and Kim and Joe Fiske.   They have learned so much from all of their colleagues throughout the organization at all levels of leadership.   They cherish the tireless support of such an incredible TSFL Corporate Home Team.

Kevin & Bekah Tinter, OR

Take Shape For Life has radically changed Kevin and Bekah Tinter’s lives.  Working toward a healthy body was just the beginning of their amazing journey.  But the road to Presidential opened up when they gave up their concepts of how to do things.  The Tinters reset their cornerstone to follow the simple, systematic processes of coaching Clients and mentoring Coaches in the way that their mentors taught them. They coupled this with setting monthly goals that challenged them to grow as people, Coaches, and leaders.

            After their awakening experience at National Convention 2011, they wholeheartedly embraced the mission of TSFL and realized their next best step was to follow in the footsteps of their team of mentors, who lead by example, demonstrate what is possible, and empower them with the tools and systems to make it simple, fun, and duplicable. Now the Tinters follow the action steps outlined by their leadership and continue to develop personally. “Our goal is to consistently demonstrate to our team that they have the time to coach. We will help them become competent, and they will have a blast helping Clients achieve their health goals!”

            They attribute their success to a few other important business-building activities: attending every possible event, listening to every weekly leadership call, plugging into their mentorship team, and using three-way practice-partner calls.  “We strive to set our cornerstone straight with each new Coach who joins our organization.”  The needs of people—be they Clients or Coaches—and the knowledge of how powerful the TSFL offering can be have been their main focus.   They are on a constant journey, growing as leaders and improving as people, because they know that they can only bring hope and health to others if they find it for themselves.

            The Tinters are thankful to their families for their love and support, the Castros and the Millers for pouring into us, and especially to Doug and Thea Wood for being leaders, mentors, and friends.  “We are blessed to work with an outstanding team of Health Coaches who are committed to our great mission.”  They are also blessed with three precious boys—Carson, Austin, and Dylan—who have shown great patience during their busy season of growth. The kids are excited to soon have both parents home full time. “We are thankful to God for the many gifts of health, family, friends and hope!”

Thea & Douglas Wood, OR

It’s amazing to think that just three years ago, Doug was stressed out, working 60-70 hours a week in the Woods’ furniture business, and Thea was an overworked mom to two young girls, and that was only enough to keep the family surviving, not thriving. Through a friend, they were offered the Take Shape For Life program, and they lost a combined total of 115 pounds. 

            “Now you know what we have lost.  Let me tell you what we have gained since we went from surviving to thriving.”  Ten months ago, they officially retired from the furniture business to be full time Health Coaches.  They now have the time and physical energy to do whatever they want, whenever they want, in terms of their physical health.  “But what we are really doing is centering our lives around what matters most to us.  Our two young girls, Amaya and Katelyn, have their mom and dad back full time, both physically and mentally, and now we can give them the life and the foundation to develop into the World Changers that they are called to be.  They are our greatest joy.”

            The Woods  knew that in order for others they cared about to see a breakthrough in the Trilogy of Optimal Health, they had to get out of their own way and show what is possible.   That began with their being consistent in word and deed.

            Eighteen months ago, they made a conscious decision to go Presidential.  They set out on a mission to share with friends, family, and anyone and everyone who wanted more, and they agreed they’d not stop sharing until every person they meet knows what is possible.  They ask the right questions that lead to discovering every person’s why, and they listen for a need that TSFL can fill.  They encourage others to “step out of fear and into love.”

            The Woods are full-time Coaches working part-time hours with some of their best friends and family members, who are also full-time Health Coaches.  They often find themselves traveling, working, and getting together as families, because this is the ultimate family business of their dreams.



Karen Ellstrom, CA

A few things have created energy and synergy in our team, and I want to share them.   First, stay plugged in and we partner with a mentor Coach who can help and support you with acquiring and supporting Clients and Coaches on your team.  Second, get really good at acquiring and supporting Clients.  Roll up your sleeves, and get in the trenches with your Health Coaches; find out what they want, and go to work with them to help them achieve  Get to every training. Be a master of your craft. Which event is the best? The very next one available!  Work with the Health Coaches on your team as long as they are throwing the ball back. If they don’t want to play, let them know you love them and that you are there for them when they are ready. I spent a lot of time and energy on Health Coaches I knew would be great but were simply not ready.

            Whatever you focus on grows. What do you want to grow?  When I changed the way I looked at things, the things I looked at changed.  Be clear on your own goals. Know your part in extending your reach into the world to help get America healthy.

            Thank you to Kim Fiske, my amazing friend, sponsor, and mentor Coach. And thank you so much to my fabulous team of Health Coaches! You are the best, and I love you all!

Dr. Michelle Gonzales & Gary Gurian, CA

Take Shape for Life has enriched our lives in many ways. Three years ago, I was promoting a cholesterol-lowering medication. Over time, I realized that the medication I represented was enabling many patients to live an unhealthy lifestyle.  This realization did not resonate with my soul, and I began to despise my job. Concurrently, I was overweight and suffering from chronic low back pain. I did the program and lost 25 pounds in five weeks. I was amazed at how fast I lost the weight and how great I felt! I knew I could passionately endorse this program, so I decided to introduce it to Michelle's medical practice to pay forward this amazing gift.

            Achieving the rank of Global Director is one of our proudest accomplishments. Our business flourished when we decided to focus on helping our Coaches and Clients fulfill their dreams, and, in turn, we fulfilled ours. We viewed every Coach as front line and worked with anyone ready to take the next step. We are grateful for the support of our business leaders, Greg Rex and Whitney Kell, and our wonderful team of caring Health Coaches.

            Attending all of the events was pivotal to our success. Something magical happens when Dr. Andersen shares his vision with an audience. He has a knack for helping us imagine a new era of healthcare. Dan Bell's wisdom and clarity has helped us build a successful business of the highest principles and values. We are thrilled that TSFL is being led by these enlightened leaders.

Neva & Dale Kosmicki, TX

We started on the program July 5, 2006 based on research Dale had conducted.  We didn’t know anyone who had been on it and had no clue about a Health Coach.  However, we quickly learned this was something different from anything we had tried before.  It was easy, it was good, and it worked. 
            After going it alone for most of our journey, Neva became what we soon learned was a “Web Lead” by requesting a Health Coach. When our personal goals were reached, it just felt right to tell others about the program and pay it forward.  We have maintained our combined loss of 105 pounds for over four years.  And we have learned our craft, which allowed us to be good role models and good Health Coaches.  By setting attainable goals for the year, month, week, and day, we continued to grow, which often meant reaching outside our comfort zones. 
            What contributed most to becoming Global Directors was building a steady stream of referrals and building a database of contacts with whom to routinely follow up.  We started holding monthly program presentations. In the beginning, there were times when no one came, but we never gave up.  Each month we revisit, critique, and revise our presentations and approaches to grow our business.  We all know for a fact that when you follow the program to a T, it works.  The same applies to the business: when you follow the concepts your mentors and TSFL leaders have shared with you, the business will grow.
Susan & Shane LaBelle, OR
Take Shape for Life came into our lives at just the right time! As newlyweds, we had big dreams for our life.  But somewhere along the way, we started to lose hope. We not only saw the health of our nation eroding, but the morals of our society and financial systems are bankrupt as well.  Once we saw the bigger picture at National Convention in Florida, the hope for us, for our community, and for this great nation was reignited by what Take Shape for Life has to offer. So we made the decision to get out of our own way and move our lives and business forward.
            We plugged into our mentorship.  We use the tools, follow the systems, and make it fun!  Now our marriage, health, and future have never seemed brighter. Susan has been able to leave her job to be a full-time mom and follow her passion, and we have set the exit plan in motion for Shane to be a full-time dad and Health Coach, too. We have loved the personal growth and desire much more of that in our lives.
            We believe obesity can and will be eradicated in our lifetime. We see it that big! We have so much gratitude for our mentors and Clients alike. And we are especially thankful to our team members who want more for their lives and give us permission to walk alongside them as they reach their goals.
Shirley & Cliff Mast, PA
Our journey began in August 2010, when Shirley started the plan in one last desperate attempt to lose weight.  Five months later, she’d lost 100 pounds and posted her photos on Facebook.  Then the coaching adventure began. So far, Shirley has lost a total of 220 pounds. Cliff has lost 35 and is at a healthy weight. From those beginnings, we have been able to touch hundreds of people—an incredible blessing.  
            At last year’s Convention, we were completely inspired and motivated to break through any fears that were holding us back and to give TSFL our full focus. Shirley set a goal of returning to this year’s Convention as a Global Director.  We returned home and got to work!  We attended as many regional and local events as possible, worked closely with our mentors, and did a lot of stepping outside of our comfort zones, but it was worth it!       We’ve had the privilege of working with a very committed team of Coaches who makes our work seem like fun.  Many thanks to Barry and Jan Rhealt and to Dr A and Lori for your continued support and encouragement. 
            What motivates us to press on to new growth, both personally and professionally, is the desire to share with as many people as possible the hope for optimal health that we’ve found.  When we keep that goal in front of us, we find the energy to press through the challenges we face as we grow.  The best is yet to be!
Dr. Susan Meram, CA
When I got involved with Take Shape for Life, I wanted to help my patients get healthy without drugs, since medications were just a bandage on the problem.   I wanted to empower them and keep them motivated—not only to lose weight but to create health in their lives.  I was so pleasantly surprised that TSFL fulfilled this for my patients.  It wasn't long after seeing the results that I began to share the TSFL trilogy with my patients and colleagues.  Reaching the rank of Global Director has a special meaning because I have a team of Health Coaches whose mission is to help America get healthy.  By myself I can only reach a few people.  Personally, I have been able to cut back on my medical practice and enjoy more time with our nine-year-old twins.  I feel like I certainly make more of a difference in my patients’ health than prior to TSFL.   I have the unique experience of discontinuing some or all of my patients’ medications.  This is what medicine is about— creating health.
Gina Ruby, CA
Wow! I made it to Global! It took me a little longer than most (seven years!), but life is a journey and not a destination, right? First, a big thank you to Dr. A and Lori Andersen for following their dream of health and wellness and making it a reality. They are true pioneers in the world of wellcare, and now thousands of us are blessed because of it. I’m grateful to be part of such an amazing health movement.
            My passion to help people get healthy started way back when I was ten years old in 1973—a long time ago. I didn’t like seeing kids get picked on simply because they were overweight, and I always wanted to do something to help.
            In 2005, it all came together for me. It was a family affair—my Global Directors, Brandon and Kim Ruby (my brother and sister-in-law), helped my parents lose weight and get healthy, and I knew this was the program and business for me. I attended my first National Convention in 2006 and have attended every one of them since!
            The two keys to success in my business are passion and ongoing training. I love working with my Clients, my amazing team of Health Coaches, and my Global Director mentors. And TSFL’s training events are priceless: National Convention, Super Regionals, Sundance, and monthly local trainings.
            Loving what you do is priceless!

Lydia & Kris Wente, TN
Here are the top three things that propelled us to this exciting new phase.  First is our mentor. We listened to what she said and trusted her advice. She could see things we couldn't and had a vantage point that was incredibly valuable. Second is events. You get a  vision inside you at events that you don't get any other way. Before we could afford to attend, we had the faith we couldn't afford not to attend.
            Finally, quiet time every day—to calm our minds and slow our self-talk—is essential. It has transformed our lives and our ability to help others.
            The only thing there was to hold us back was us, and being able to focus on others and live a truly present life where we enjoy each moment is joyous.
            I want to thank my husband for enabling me to live my dreams so that we can both live our lives the lives we choose. TSFL has been one of the greatest gifts we have ever been given—not only for our health or our financial freedom, but for a quality of life that is only enjoyed through the refining process of growing as people. Thank you, Kim Fiske, for being the woman you are and loving us.
            We enjoy every day, we love what we do, we are filled with gratitude, and we envision a healthy, vibrant nation. The best is yet to come!

Dr. Juan & Patti Alvarez, MO
Four years ago, my husband found Take Shape for Life. A doctor of internal medicine, he wanted to improve not only his own health but that of his patients. He would tell them that they’d have to go on medications or increase current dosages if they didn’t lose weight and exercise, but that almost never worked.   In early 2008, Juan lost 60 pounds in four months and had a comprehensive health program to recommend. By being good role models, sharing this program with everyone, and providing the tools and support our Clients need, we have built a fabulous business.

Craig & Anita Blanchette, WA

As an Olympic medalist and former pro athlete who gradually became overweight and uncompetitive, I'm thankful for Take Shape For Life. I now enjoy the peace of mind of being in shape again.  This time I'm not only in shape with my body; I did it by getting my mind healthy.  Now I'm enjoying the reality of a healthy career to complete the trilogy in my life. It has been a amazing journey, and it never gets boring.  I now get the privilege of showing others how to get what they want regarding healthy, body, mind, and career.

Dr. Mary Casals, AL

Caring for my patients has always given me so much joy, but I have never felt much happier in my career than I am now. Take Shape for Life has given my overweight and obese patients a renewed hope. My short-term goal for is to control their disease, but my long-term goal is to enable them restore the health they lost.  This fulfills my dream because it allows me and my patients to achieve results, then adhere to a lifetime of healthy change with the support of passionate Health Coaches. The rewards from Take Shape for Life are far greater than money.

Dr. Scott Corliss, CO

Reaching National Director is a testament to the quality of the people and systems of TSFL. Following the Business Blueprint and moving Clients into full integration of the Habits of Health creates a win-win situation . Attending events such as National Convention and Super Regional trainings—and bringing my team to them—is the critical component that moved me to this new level. All of my EDs have been to multiple events, and as the team grows, we will continue to emphasize plugging into the system and using the tools for success.

Peggy Curran, CA

I didn’t choose this program; it chose me!  Since my husband lost 100 pounds and took back his health, I had no choice but to pay close attention to the program that gave him his life back. TSFL provides all the tools we need to build a strong business with integrity and love.  With the help of my mentor Coach and my determination to get the word out about this amazing program, my world has been rocked!   TSFL has provided the freedom, the resources, and the purpose that fit the template of my core beliefs—the perfect combination!

Dale & LaVine Gardner, NV
We were praying for help losing weight five years ago and met Bryan Dollinger at the Boise fair. We started the program and lost 90 pounds! We owned a successful business, but it was 90% headaches and 10% profit. We sold it this year and are now full-time Triliogists. We are blessed with the people we have met, especially our Health Coaches. We would like to give a special thanks to the Medifast food scientists who make the best meal replacement meals in America. We are looking forward to the next five years.

Rachel Hofffman, UT
I love being a health, business and leadership Coach! As I began to grow in the business, I soon realized all that Take Shape For Life has to offer in regard to the trilogy. I knew that if I could be successful, I could help others do the same. I am grateful to those with whom I have the privilege to work! I am grateful for a supportive husband, the personal growth that has come from attending trainings,  an amazing company with fun incentives, an amazing business and compensation plan, and leaders who have set the path before me!

Courtney Jacobs, PA  
I am humbled by this achievement. Thanks to my wife, Patricia, and daughter, Courtney, for being fully engaged as my partners with 100% support. My mentors, Dr. Bob Grieco and Presidential Director Kelly Rife, have supported me immensely. My three ED teams, Dr. Frank Melidona, Jodi and Bill Beckwith, and Christopher Wallace have been amazing!
            I am the American dream, I am the TSFL dream, I represent change, and I represent hope for others to follow. I have a responsibility bigger than myself!

  Freda & Amos Lapp, PA
After losing over 140 pounds with TSFL it was only natural to pay it forward by becoming  Coaches. The key to our success has been listening to our mentors when they told us to attend every event and training that we could, no matter how large or small it may be. Thanks to Dr. A. and Lori and Cliff and Shirley Mast for leading the way and for being there for us.

Dr. Ellyn Levine, CA
Becoming a Take Shape for Life Health Coach has been the best decision I have ever made for my internal medical practice.  Thanks to Dr. A's comprehensive program, I have helped hundreds of overweight patients become healthier and with far fewer medicines to do so.  I know my sincere passion for TSFL, the leadership conferences, and my great mentorship from Greg Rex are the key reasons for my success and my National Director ranking.   I also love supporting my wonderful team of Coaches and am proud that we are part of the obesity solution in America together.
Casey & Candy Mitzel, OR
One of the most important things that we do is use our mentorship team.  Thank you to Michael and Michelle DeFabio, our business leaders, and to our Globals, Brad and Ashley Miller, for their constant support and leadership.   We also attend our local trainings and any national event that we are qualified for, as they are all critical to our growth.  Growing our business definitely takes teamwork, so we would also like to say thank you to our Coaches for inspiring us to become better leaders and for being on purpose with our mission of getting America healthy.
Jan Paxman, UT
I love that every day I get to help others reach their goals! Whether they are Clients or Coaches on my awesome team, their success is my motivation. I am so grateful for such a rock-solid company. Convention 2011 was the turning point for me in team building. I saw the big picture. Special thanks to my Coach, Randy Kartchner; my super mentor, Kim Fiske, and our entire Fiske team; and to my great family for their support! We shrink outside and grow inside with TSFL. What a wonderful ride!

Kelly Pechulis-McClellan, TX  
Take Shape for Life has created an incredibly positive ripple effect in every area of my life.
Team calls, support calls, regional events, Go Globals, and National Conventions have
kept the excitement alive and have provided learning and growing opportunities.  Our mission to help get America healthy is so much fun and is easily woven into daily life.
I'm grateful for the company, leadership, mentorship, and my team of Coaches and Clients.
Thank you, Dr. A and Dan Bell, for your vision, dedication, and inspiration!

Cathy & Tim Resch, WA
We started as clients two and a half years ago and within two months became Health Coaches wanting to share our Take Shape For Life success with everyone. We continue to move our business forward by staying fully integrated.  Even with our busy schedules, we can still manage to attend events, listen to calls (whether live or recorded), and live the BeSlim lifestyle. Thank you to our entire group for all their hard work in spreading the Take Shape For Life opportunity.

Lois Steckler, RN, NY
I started this journey, like so many others, by achieving optimal health in my own life.  With the guidance and encouragement of my terrific business leaders, I have been able to develop my own team of caring and successful Health Coaches. I attend local and regional events, as well as the National Conventions, and continue to learn something new about Take Shape for Life every day. I am having fun and revel in all of my new relationships. I have always wanted to make a difference, and coaching has paved the way to achieving that, along so many other exciting personal and professional goals.

Janet & Craig Turner, OR
Craig and I began our journey toward optimal health in 2007.  Today, a combined weight loss of over 106 pounds gives us a solid platform to share the business and our program with passion.  We have found that when we take our eyes off ourselves and share from our heart, things happen!  Knowing that we have been given a gift to help others and that it is not about us is our key to moving forward. Being accountable to the program, reaching a healthy weight, and staying connected with our Health Coaches and Clients has made all the difference!
Lindsey & Nathan Wente, OR
After I lost 104 pounds (and Nathan lost 20), our lives changed so completely that we felt a responsibility to share the program with others.  It is gratifying to be able to help others transform their lives. The income we are able to create made it possible for Nathan to leave a miserable job and find freedom. My advice to others: Plug in.  Find your mentor Coach, follow instructions, and call for more. Go to every event. Connect with everyone. Don’t make excuses, and work like every day is the end of the month.

Dr. Bill Adcox, GA 
As a family physician, I am always looking for ways to improve the health and longevity of my patients.  I am convinced that the Take Shape for Life program is a valuable tool that can accomplish just that.  I have already seen results that far exceed any medication in my arsenal.  

Lisa Arabie, LA  
I have learned as Take Shape for Life Health Coach that you are part of a team, and you are never alone. The support and encouragement I receive from my mentors is invaluable.  And attending events makes you realize that you are part of something much bigger than yourself.

Lee & Sarah Bales, OR 
Our greatest reward comes from helping others get what they want!  Staying consistent in our offering and attending training events have been crucial ways we become better Coaches.  We have been blessed by the support and encouragement of our mentorship team and are thankful for our first ED, Jordy Marsh!
Stefany Beals, IN
One year and 75 pounds ago, I started a life-changing journey. As a result, I’m now living the Trilogy and finally loving life. I’m blessed to be a part of a dynamo team (props to Team Fiske and my loving, supportive husband, Todd). Thanks, TSFL, for my new healthy life!

Casey & Lacey Bertram, MT
Our success with TSFL stems from our results on the program as Clients, which makes it easy to share this incredible opportunity. The other key is the power of authentic relationships with our Clients/Coaches; we truly care about their success and receive many Coach and Client referrals because of those relationships. 

Rebecca Bitzer, MD
Attending National Convention with several of my Coaches was the thing that most contributed to my success.  The energy and enthusiasm conveyed at the even was contagious and helped all in  my team reach higher levels. I encourage everyone to attend the next National Convention!

Janet & Jeff Blum, NJ 
TSFL has given me a vehicle to accomplish in 15 months what I have been trying to do throughout my 29-year career as a Registered Dietitian. With guidance from our mentors, we have been able to grow a business, and we now are excited about our hopes and dreams for our future.

   Susan & James Boekholt, NJ 
Going to TSFL trainings has definitely contributed to our success as Health Coaches.  We take what we learn at the trainings and put the tips, tools, and techniques directly to use in our business.  The best thing we’ve learned so far is to share this program with everyone!

Lisa Brady, PA 
TSFL has ignited a passion in me! Not only have I embraced the Habits of Health, but I have a healthy mind. I went from an I-can’t mentality to an oh-yes-I-can mindset.  I have embraced the tools and events that corporate offers. My trusted mentor, Stephanie Golka, has been a driving force.

Cheryl & Jim Carter, WA

We listen to our amazing leaders, plug into all the support that TSFL offers, attend events, and stay connected with our business mentor. Our leaders have paved the way, and we follow. How grateful we are to be running alongside these world changers. Thank you, TSFL!

Larry Clawson, NV   
From 306 to 166 pounds and disability to full-time Health Coach—I continue to be on an awesome journey.  A year as a Senior Coach gave way to achieving Regional in just four months when I finally got it and started to tell everyone.  I am humbled to be a decade-two Health Coach.

Dana & Dale Daigle, LA
We are honored to represent TSFL and help others create health like we have been able to do. Special thanks to all our fabulous mentors, who have empowered us to grow. Now we can help more people with our energetic group of Health Coaches! Let's get America healthy!

Carmen Doi, OR

Losing 80 pounds gave me back the life that I once knew and loved!   I again have a passion for life and just want to share that with everyone.  Awesome educational trainings pushed me to the next level.   Much appreciation to Lisa and Jamie Castro for their amazing leadership. 

  Susan & Roger Eaton, OR
One year ago, our daughter and Health Coach, Bekah Tinter, recommended Take Shape for Life as a tool to help Roger lose weight when he was diagnosed as pre-diabetic.  Together we lost 60 pounds and found a passion for reaching out to our peers, many of whom are already suffering the consequences of years of unhealthy eating habits. 

Monique & Matthew Ely, OR

My husband Matthew and I are so blessed to be surrounded by such amazing mentorship, training, and support.  By attending every training and event we can and using the tools we have been given we have found such joy in helping others achieve Optimal Health!

Barbara Fitzpatrick, PA
In 2011, I decided to change my health and start a journey to Optimal Health.  With the support of my family, we continue to have great success. The opportunity to pay it forward as a TSFL Health Coach is a dream come true! Our lives have changed in ways we never imaged.  What an amazing journey and a happy and healthy future.

Becky Flammang, CA
My introduction to Take Shape for Life has been a blessing. My Health Coach has been an inspiration from the beginning, guiding me to health and helping me share that with others. Team training and company events have been life changing. I look forward to helping others get healthy bodies and finances.

Megan Guttman, OK
Do what the leaders do.  I chose to do what my successful mentor did.  I set my goals, shared them with her, and let her help me reach them.  I am doing the same with my Health Coaches.  We do not need to reinvent the wheel in this business.

Meagan Hammer, IL

My life has forever been changed. I have my health, a business I love, and the freedom to be the mom I have always wanted to be! My business continues to grow because I attend every event possible, trust my mentors, and live the Habits of Health.

David & Suzanna Henshaw, OR
Reaching Regional Director for us is more than a title; it means that we have helped someone to change his or her future.  It is a huge honor to be a part of something so special.  Thank you to our Business Coaches, Brad and Ashley Miller, for all of your support.

Lisa & Dan Higgins, TN 
Our dear friend, Dan Bell, shared this program with us in 2005. We became Executive Directors in 30 days, then lost our home to a fire, which disconnected us for four years. If you believe in this program, the company and its vision, do not let anything get in your way—not even something as catastrophic as losing your home.

Raquel & Eric Hunsberger, CO
This has been our way of helping others and living a fulfilling life.  Last year, three events have been critical to our growth.  The first opened our eyes to the opportunity, the second let us see the possibilities, and the third allowed us to bring others for them to see the same.

Jessica Johns, OR
Reaching Regional Director has been an incredible journey. My success stems from my incredible mentorship team, listening to the leadership calls and attending every local training event possible. These reignite my fire and purpose and help me reach out to more people and better support my Coaches!

 Miriam Kahn, NY
As a newly single mom, I was determined and inspired by Go Global. I knew this is a brilliant opportunity. Success began with the support of my mentor team, being a dedicated health coach, and telling everyone I know and meet what I do—and I wear a belt whenever I can!

Mary Frances LeBlanc, LA
As a teacher, I understand the phrase, “stay in the struggle.”  I chose to build my business by structure. Thanks, Dr. Rob Lecky, for your advice and friendship. Donna Betts, thanks for sharing your room at 2010 Dallas Convention.  By paying it forward, you both changed my life!

Jordy Marsh, OR
At 21, my eager personality and willingness to offer the amazing gift I have contributed to my success! I share consistently on social media, in coffee shops, at work—you name it! I have a heart for people, listen twice as much as I talk, and meet everyone where they are.

Kathy & Norman Martin, OR
Using the tools that TSFL has provided, we're able to help family, friends, and many others to reach Optimal Health.  Many thanks to Dr. A, Lori, Dan Bell, Jane and Jim Anderson, and our first EDs, Chad and Angie Walker! We are truly Blessed and Free To Be!

Kelly & Channing McGuffin, VA
We  feel blessed to have the opportunity to work alongside TSFL in getting America healthy!  Tips on our success: set specific goals, work hard, use social media, and be passionate and dedicated.  Thanks to our wonderful leadership team and our Clients and Coaches for believing!

Daryl Micciche, FL

Attending my first Convention in 2012 gave me the inspiration, confidence, and direction to move my coaching career forward.  Learning from my business mentor has focused me on setting specific goals and establishing a vision, and it's given me belief in myself.  Listening, hearing, and acting with integrity never fails.

Leslie Miller, WA
I have always had a heart for helping others, so when I was offered this opportunity, I knew it was right.  With an amazing program and fantastic mentorship and guidance, I have not only lost 90 pounds and reclaimed my health, but I get to help others do the same daily!

Linda M. Miller, MS, FNP, NY
As a Family Nurse Practitioner, I was overwhelmed in practice, attempting to promote wellness for patients and myself. I was failing. I thank my mentors, Dr. JC Doornik and Dr. Jonathon Yalowchuk. I have embraced the TSFL lifestyle for myself, my family, and my patients. No regrets—it’s been awesome!

Dawn Moore, NJ
As a Coach, I have the honor of witnessing the Take Shape for Life system transform my Clients’ lives from unhealthy to healthy. The cost of obesity, both in human and financial terms, is too high a price to pay. I am privileged to be a part of the solution.

Aimee Morse, OR
Last year, I lost 80 pounds and had to share my newfound gift with others.  Being a Health Coach has been so rewarding, and I wake up every morning so excited to get to work.  Staying plugged in—with support calls and my business mentors—has been the key to my success. 

Kamalini Mukerjee & Adnan Khawaja, NV
TSFL's extraordinary Bio-Network of Support—particularly our mentors, Stephanie and Josh Golka—and all events has been the catalyst to our success. TSFL has not only helped us in our pursuit for happiness but we are now able to pay it forward. We are on our way to becoming Triliologists!

Gretchen Myers, PA
Dr. Andersen’s Habits of Health System and Take Shape for Life helped me lose 30 pounds and create balance in my life. My Clients and TSFL family inspire me to live my life with passion and help others transform their lives from habits of disease to habits of health. Thank you!

Jeff & Charidy Pies, OR
We are truly blessed with an incredible mentorship team!  We make a habit to attend all trainings, be on the leadership calls, listen to the advice of our mentors, and plug into whatever advice we get from them.  National Convention was our turning point.

Jeremy Pratt, NY
I listen to every word my Business Coach and mentors say.  I put it into action because they've been there and done that.  I smile and tell the world my story because you never know who's listening.  I get to every event that I can, especially National Convention.  And I love what I do.

Suzanne Rabe, MA
My success stems from my wonderful husband and my parents’ words of wisdom: follow your passion and the rest will fall into place.  I finally found my passion in life.  I lead with my heart and compassion to genuinely help others.  Facebook has allowed me to connect with more people I care about.

Sara Richardson, CA
I have always had a passion for empowering others to make healthy changes to prevent disease and improve everyday life.  In 2011, I could not balance my career time with time for my three children.  TSFL allowed me to leave my job and commute behind.  The leaders have shown me the path to balance.

Rob & Jean Schneider, OR
We listen to our amazing leaders, share the opportunity, rarely miss training, never miss National Convention, and are living our lives on purpose!  We now have a growing team of Health Coaches who are doing the same.  Our ultimate goal is to be TSFL Triliolgists and help others do the same!

Jodi Siegel, NY
It’s not the hard sell but the sincere connection that turns good Clients into great Coaches.  Clients who feel you are truly invested in their health become Coaches who embody the same approach. Build a successful business by encouraging your Coaches to learn from your business line and create their own style.

Susan & Steven Smelser, GA
We feel our success is largely due to being proud out loud and telling everyone how we owe our health to TSFL for having a product and health plan that helped us achieved a 280-pound weight loss! We never miss an opportunity to plant the TSFL seed everywhere we go.
Arlys Stevens, IA
I was a physical therapist for 39 years, taking pleasure in helping others improve their health. In retirement I can continue helping others reach Optimal Health through TSFL’s program.  I am blessed to work with an outstanding company run with integrity.  Thanks, team for your training, guidance, and support.
Jodie Talladay, PA
Take Shape for Life has been such a blessing to me, starting with my own 83-pound weight loss!  Being able to help others improve their lives is very rewarding.  I have a passion for what I do.  My wonderful mentors, events, and our entire Bio-Network of Support have contributed to my success.

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